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mom with a blog

How. Are. You?

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Did you ever stop and think about how many times a day you are asked the question “how are you?” or how many times a day you ask this question of other people?  How many times is it answered truthfully?  For me zero and I realized this the other day…..

On Monday I got home from work and I had five minutes to change before getting the twins (yes they do have names…Olivia and Sophia) to soccer training.  I had a big meeting in Philadelphia on Tuesday so I knew I needed to fit in a toenail painting somewhere, somehow.  I dropped the girls off and went to a salon along the route that I had never been to before and thank God they had time to squeeze me in.  Since I didn’t know anyone at this salon I thought it would be a good time to shove my face in my phone to kill some time and to catch up for a few minutes while I was waiting.  It wasn’t long before Jeff called me over to have a seat….I was catching up on Facebook, which I rarely have time to do, I am typically at least 3 days behind and on this day I thank God that I had a few minutes to catch up.  Jeff said “I will be right back” and I clicked on a post from a dear friend that read “………after 5 months and 1 day he took his last breath” at that moment Jeff came back and said “how are you?” and as I fought back tears I replied “uhhh good”.  I lied.  My honest response….I am so sad for my friends and their loss and I cannot ever imagine the pain.  I am so heartbroken and at the same time I am so grateful that it isn’t me (that’s tough to say out loud but it’s true) I wish I could give them a big long hug and have all the pain disappear.

I always thought that because I am quite a few years older than my friends and I have way more kids : ) that I could always give my advice when needed or requested but I cannot help with this one.  All I can do is be there for them for whatever they may need and pray for them daily.  I love you dearly.

I thank God that I was able to read the post that day and I wasn’t three days behind.  The next time someone asks me “how are you?” my response may be “truly grateful” instead of “uhh good.”  The next time someone asks “how are you?” truly think about the question.

Try to savor every day and every moment.

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