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There are many times in this journey through motherhood that I find myself wishing I was a better mother. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.  Sometimes I see mothers who are so loving and nurturing and understanding and I wish I could be more like them.  I definitely think there is no perfect way to parent and everyone has their own style.  I also think that you are taught certain things growing up and that molds you into the parent you will become one day.  For instance, I grew up in a messy house. That experience made me vow to always keep my own house tidy. With four kids, it’s pretty hard to keep in check so often times I will clean before I play. This frequently means I don’t actually have time to play because there is always something that needs to be cleaned.  

For better or worse, another aspect of my parenting style is to always be absolutely honest with my kids. At times, my patience is tested with four girls who argue, whine and cry. And, even with all the mistakes that I’ve made in this journey of motherhood, I’m close to my kids and I know they love me.  I don’t think my kids would want me any other way but then again they don’t know any other way and that may be okay.  I do share with them things I wish I were better at as a mommy and hope they pick up on that when they become mothers one day.  I may not be the PERFECT mother that I have envisioned in my mind but I am close to my girls and I wouldn’t change that for anything and I don’t think they would either.

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